The four major AA (4大AA) refers to the four major AA characters that represent 2channel. Among the well-known AA characters on 2channel, this term refers to four AA characters that were particularly popular and well-known.
The first half of the 2000s was the golden age of flash animation, and many of them appeared in flash works. However, in the latter half of the 2000s, they became a mere shadow of their former self due to the rise of VIPPER and Yaruo.
Mona is one of the most popular AAs on 2channel.
It originated on the bulletin board site Amezou, but it has found a place of activity on 2channel.
Giko is often treated as Mona's sidekick and friend.
The character is widely used and popularized on 2channel, but originated in Ayashii World II (another Japanese textboard site).
Shii was originally a giko cat used by a tripcode user named Shii-★ (tripcode: ◆CgikokqI).
It became popular and became a general character. Shii is often treated as a lover of Giko.
Moraler is often set up as a friend of Mona.
The name Moraler was derived from moral, making Moraler a character who was created as the righteousness and conscience of 2channel.